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Make $1,216/Week Selling Credit Spreads for Passive Income - Beginner Options Tutorial
Credit Spread Investing

Make $1,216/Week Selling Credit Spreads for Passive Income - Beginner Options Tutorial

► Get 2 Free Stocks on Webull (valued up to $2300 when you deposit $5): ► Open up your new Public account & follow what I'm trading! ► Open up your new M1 Finance and get $30! I was able to take 24k to 160k selling only credit spreads with this strategy. Let me show you how to passively sell options & credit spreads to generate a large full-time income with small amounts of capital. This is a step by step explanation of my strategy so that you can do it too and don’t rely 100% on dividend investing for your passive income stream. Credit spreads under the right situation can be a great form of weekly income from premium and credit that you can collect. I've gotten some questions about how I scan and decide on what stocks to trade when i trade credit spreads. Today, I wanted to share with you that process and overarching framework, and focus less on the technicals that I do in a lot of my deep dive videos. Tune in to see how I decide and plan my trades to collect "passive income" by selling options and credit spreads. How To Enter Trades: Deep Dive Playlist: Every week I trade credit spreads to collect those juicy premiums in the road to $100K/$200K series and every week, I’ll walk you through some, if not most of my trades to show how to collect that passive income while minimizing your time spent trading, and most importantly your risk. The goal of this series to start showing you some basic concepts that you will need to know to start trading credit spreads and to also recap some of the mistakes that I make so that you won’t make the same mistakes. Also follow us on IG: @creditspreadinvesting 00:00 - Intro & Agenda 03:10 - Real $FB Trade Details 06:16 - Step 1 07:53 - Step 2 10:41 - Step 3 13:55 - Step 4 17:14 - Step 5 & Technical Analysis/Review of my $FB Trades 25:35 - Summary, Tips & Wrap Up Disclaimer: Everything expressed in this video is my personal experience provided for entertainment value only. I am not a professional nor a financial advisor. These are not instructions, suggestions, nor directions as to how to handle your money. Please, always do your own due diligence and research.
$4,270 Passive Income Per Week! $24k to $100k in 89 Days with ONLY Credit Spreads! 96% Win Rate
Credit Spread Investing

$4,270 Passive Income Per Week! $24k to $100k in 89 Days with ONLY Credit Spreads! 96% Win Rate

Follow my PUBLIC M1 Portfolio: I created the road to $100k experiment to see if I can turn $24k into $100k by selling only credit spreads as passively as possible. I really like the idea of passive income and the $/hour is super important. Low and behold, I was able to hit that goal on February of this year. In this video, I'm going to summarize how I was able to turn $24k principal into $100k by selling only credit spreads. I went through all of my trades and were able to gather and crunch the numbers to figure out what stocks I traded, how many spreads I opened, how many puts and calls I sold, how much credit I collected, how many trades did I loss, and finally, what my overall win % is for my strategy. Please like & subscribe! Also follow us on IG: @creditspreadinvesting 00:00 - Recap of the Experiment 02:09 - Review of Account Growth History 06:01 - What Stocks Did I Trade & How Many Times 09:33 - How Much Collateral (Buying Power) Did I Open Up 13:06 - How Much Credit Did I Receive 15:50 - % Credit/Collateral (Buying Power) 18:33 - Debit Spent to Close Out Positions 20:36 - Losing Trades 23:31 - Strategy & Execution Winning % 24:26 - "Profit" = Credit - Debit ► Get 2 Free Stocks on Webull (valued up to $2300 when you deposit $5): Disclaimer: Everything expressed in this video is my personal experience provided for entertainment value only. I am not a professional nor a financial advisor. These are not instructions, suggestions, nor directions as to how to handle your money. Please, always do your own due diligence. #roadto100k #creditspreads #passiveincome #bebetterthandividends #tradingeducation
Lost $65,000 Selling ONLY Credit Spreads in 3 Months, What Happened & What's Next?
Credit Spread Investing

Lost $65,000 Selling ONLY Credit Spreads in 3 Months, What Happened & What's Next?

Follow my PUBLIC M1 Portfolio: ► Get 2 Free Stocks on Webull (valued up to $2300 when you deposit $5): ► Open up your new Public account & follow what I'm trading! If you follow me on IG, you know that the these last 3 months, have been real rough on the account, and this last week has probably one of the worst % drops since we started this experiment of only selling credit spreads. I also recently posted a video about losing 20k in 2 weeks... and well, it got even worse. Although our account is predominantly bullish positions with some bearish positions to maintain some delta reduction, a lot of the issues came about not following my own strategies. I want to show you all what can happen when you get in your head and start trading poorly, as well as a real time example of the downsides to credit spreads, and how sticking to your plan and making sure you understand the risk and reward of the trades are super important. Every week I trade credit spreads to collect those juicy premiums in the road to $100K/$200K series and every week, I’ll walk you through some, if not most of my trades to show how to collect that passive income while minimizing your time spent trading, and most importantly your risk. The goal of this series to start showing you some basic concepts that you will need to know to start trading credit spreads and to also recap some of the mistakes that I make so that you won’t make the same mistakes. Also follow us on IG: @creditspreadinvesting 00:00 - Some Overall Thoughts On The Account Performance 03:32 - Performance Breakdown YTD & 3 months vs Major Index 07:16 - Portfolio Breakdown By Ticker 11:49 - 3 Examples that Contributed to Losing $65,000 Disclaimer: Everything expressed in this video is my personal experience provided for entertainment value only. I am not a professional nor a financial advisor. These are not instructions, suggestions, nor directions as to how to handle your money. Please, always do your own due diligence and research.
$1,629/Week of Passive Income Selling ONLY Amazon Put Credit Spreads - How I Trade Options
Credit Spread Investing

$1,629/Week of Passive Income Selling ONLY Amazon Put Credit Spreads - How I Trade Options

Follow my PUBLIC M1 Portfolio: ► Get 2 Free Stocks on Webull (valued up to $2300 when you deposit $5): ► Open up your new Public account & follow what I'm trading! Being very clear on your entry criteria and looking at certain areas for potential buy-in opportunities is one of the most important skills that I developed over the years. Patience and discipline will help you out a lot to grow your accounts, no matter what you're trading: stocks, options, commodities, forex, crypto, etc. Today, I'll walk you through the strategy that I'm using to collect passive income on Amazon ($AMZN) by selling put & call credit spreads and how I collected $9719 of realized profits. Every week I trade credit spreads to collect those juicy premiums in the road to $100k/$200k series and every week, I’ll walk you through some, if not most of my trades to show how to collect that passive income while minimizing your time spent trading, and most importantly your risk. The goal of this series to start showing you some basic concepts that you will need to know to start trading credit spreads and to also recap some of the mistakes that I make so that you won’t make the same mistakes. Also follow us on IG: @creditspreadinvesting 00:00 - Agenda 00:45 – THANK YOU ALL FOR 625 SUBS! 01:13 – Profit on Spreads We Closed & Details on Those Spreads 07:05 – Amazon Chart Analysis 20:34 - Current Open Positions & Credit Received Disclaimer: Everything expressed in this video is my personal experience provided for entertainment value only. I am not a professional nor a financial advisor. These are not instructions, suggestions, nor directions as to how to handle your money. Please, always do your own due diligence and research.
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